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Learning Conversation

May 6, 2023

40 min

Maureen and Pierre revisit Eckhart Tolle to explore his life's story.  Follow-on conversation from the first podcast on Eckhart Tolle.

Before revisiting Tolle, Maureen mentions  people are actually listening to these podcasts.  Wait, what?!  They are???  WOW!  Cool!  Maureen says someone mentioned liking ‘Pierre’s voice and playfulness.’ 

Pierre loves the playfulness comment, and riffs on his relationship with his voice.  Many years ago in a used book store, Pierre found the book:  Change Your Voice, Change Your Life, by Morton Cooper. It was indeed, a life-changing book.

Speaking of life changing books, Maureen and Pierre revisit Eckert Tolle’s work and his life. 

Tolle self-educated himself from about the age of 13.  His life story is remarkable.  Learn more here: 

He taught, studied and dealt with bouts of depression until one day, in the depths of a depression he had a spiritual experience. Overnight, he awakened to the beauty available in the present moment.  From that moment on - excuse the pun, his life transformed.  

Nonetheless, it took decades before he wrote the Power of Now.  And as they say, the rest is history.  

Tolle eschewed capitalizing on fame and tried to maintain an organic approach to disseminating his views.

Join Learning Conversation as we learn more about Eckhart Tolle’s interesting life. Truly a seminal figure in the literature and modern movement of spiritual awakening. 


Maureen and Pierre dive into the Power of Now experience from first reading to now - no pun attended again. 

Going deeper into the now, Maureen and Pierre discuss meditation and yoga, the struggle to be here now can cut through the noise of everyday life.  Distress causes focus and you move closer to finding your true self through struggle. 

A short clip of Eckhart Tolle interview referenced in first pod: